Archive for January 2009

Welcome Planet Fedora, With Thanks

January 4, 2009

Greetings Planet Fedora.  My name is Joseph Smidt and am one of the newest ambassadors.  I look  forward to assisting in this great work.

However, as a physics graduate student I wanted to shout out some special thanks.  Over the past couple years I have done research here at UC Irvine, Los Alamos, on several supercomputers and in collaboration with people at CERN.   One common thread between all these institutions is they heavily use Fedora/Red Hat products.

I sincerely hope you all take some time to marvel at how essential the Fedora/Red Hat ecosystem has been to the progress of science! I could go into specifics, but lets just say the impact Fedora/Red Hat has made and will continue to make in scientific research is huge.

Thanks again.